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Using ZOOM for your Zumba class

So this week sees the start of your Zumba online classes. I am using a platform called Zoom which seems to offer the best audio and visual quality for live content.

You will be sent an email from me with an invite which will have a code you type into Zoom - you will need to download the app onto your latptop/phone/tablet and just sign up for the free version. It really is super easy! Just go to this link below :

You will get the best sound quality if you can bluetooth to a speaker. Or listen through headphones.

I am doing final testing today and tomorrow in the hope that the first class will be glitch free!

If you have any questions please do get in touch.

Thanks for all your support in this difficult time - I hope that you will enjoy the classes, and please pass on to your friends and family - the more the merrier!!!

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