Great news for Zumba Gold lovers...........from September 7th I will be teaching Zumba Gold classes at the lovely Shoreham Centre every Monday lunchtime.
For those of you that have not been there before, its a fabulous modern building with a massive hall!
The staff at the centre have been hard at work preparing the hall, cafe and communal areas to ensure your safety.
There are zones on the hall floor for each participant to stand in which gives over 2m for social distancing. The building is cleaned between classes and there is a one way system throughout. The cafe has a terrace if you want to meet up and chat with your Zumba pals before or after the class, again with all Covid compliance measures in place.

It's been a long time since we all had a chance to dance together, and although I love our Zoom classes, I'm really looking forward to seeing you guys in person.
There are 24 spaces available, and bookings must be made online in advance.
In order to comply to regulations I will need you to supply full contact details, so if you can join the site, become a member and fill in the necessary details that would be great.
Joining the site is free and easy to do. You can also download the app to your phone so you can book on the go!
If you have any questions about the class please contact me at