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Reflecting on 2023

As this year comes to an end I can't help but want to look back over the last 12 months and process

everything that has happened.

The best way to do this, I find, is through pictures, so I've put together a little montage for you of the many good times we have had.

This includes fundraisers at The Shoreham Centre, party nights out in Shoreham and Worthing and a picnic in the summer.


I'm looking forward to some more of these nights out in 2024!

Also good fun was Halloween this year, many of you made a great effort to dress up for the themed classes.

But it's your fundraising efforts that really are amazing guys! This year we've danced for Parkinson's UK, Extra Time and Spiral charities. I've been very fortunate to

have colleagues in the dance fitness business that have given their time up for free to join us in creating these really fun events. Your baking efforts have been amazing too!

Here's just a few memories of the fundraisers this year.


I am so delighted and thankful to have such a great, regular group of you guys coming to classes every week. I started a new class in Burgess Hill back in the summer, so now I have a little triangle of Sussex....... Worthing to Hove and up to Burgess Hill with Shoreham in the middle.

Lots of lovely smiling faces!

I must try to take more photos at classes as there are some faces missing from these ones.

(my new year resolution).

There's someone else who's often by my side, and that's the lovely Sheryl. She did her Zumba & Zumba Gold training this year and so you'll be seeing a bit more of her in 2024.


I hope you've enjoyed 2023 as much as I have, and that you'll keep up the great work, continue to make time for yourself at a Zumba, Zumba Gold or Bolly X session on a regular basis next year.

I will be bringing you more fundraisers, more parties.........and just more FUN!

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1 Comment

Hi Jo i would love to come to your fitness lesson but there is no room at Shoreham can you please let me know which classes have spaces xxxx

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