I know it doesn't feel like it at the moment, but surely we will be having a summer this year?
With this in mind, I wanted to get some dates in the diary for events and social gatherings.
I see how many friendships are blooming within the classes and how important this is to many people, for some, it's why they join a group exercise class in the first place.
I feel very privileged to be in a position to facilitate this and to also get to know you better and enjoying your company off stage.
The first event is a FREE picnic in Buckingham Park in Shoreham on the Upper Shoreham Road.
We had one there last year and it really was a lovey afternoon.
I brought a large gazebo and we plotted up by some shady trees, near to the cafe and toilets.
As you can see from the photos, it was a lovely summers day.
Everyone bought some food and drinks along, and we spent those few hours relaxing and chatting. People came from all the classes, so it was great to bring everyone together.
The first picnic this year is on Sunday 11th June - I know it's not easy for everyone to get
to Shoreham, so this year I am suggesting we have a WORTHING picnic too.
I would love your suggestions for the best place to do this.
I don't know Worthing very well, so your input would be great.
Then for the West Hove class - how about Hove Park? It's a lovely park with great transport links so easy to get to from Shoreham and Worthing.

The next fundraiser is Saturday 16th September at The Shoreham Centre.
This time we will be raising money for a Parkinson's charity.
I thought it would be really good fun to include a dress code or theme for the event.
Perhaps black and white, or sparkles.......again, what would you like? Please let me have your ideas and suggestions.

The cake stall was a huge success at the last event so I feel we should do it again.
If you have any other side hustles that you think might be a good money raiser let me know.
Running a raffle is very time consuming and I always end up with things left over.
So I don't really want to go down that route again.
Perhaps 'sponsored songs'? I can print off some sponsorship sheets if you would like to get a sp0nsor for every song you complete on the day?
The Worthing party has sold out and I'm really looking forward to it.
The pub is nice and spacious and we'll have our own bar area and music for the night too.
The next party I'd like to organise will be in the West Hove or Portslade area. I'm looking at venues
now with a view to booking somewhere in July or August.
So keep checking the weekly newsletter email for updates on this.
Well that's it for now folks! I love to hear from you so please, don't be shy, ping me an email with your thoughts and ideas on anything I've mentioned in this post.
I look forward to seeing you at an event soon.
Zumba love
For picnics, Worthing groups often use Goring Greensward which has: free, onroad unrestricted parking; public toilets; free BBQs to use; open grassy space; shady trees; cafe; usually an ice cream van or two; & also a huge, free swimming pool (i.e. the sea!)
Sponsor a song great idea 💡 👍