All the colours of autumn fall....this warming vegetable soup is inexpensive, nutritious and delicious!
Make a nice big batch so you can freeze some portions in freezer bags.
Great to make after halloween when pumpkins are on discount prices. Although I prefer to make mine with butternut squash. Any mix of root veggies will do.
328 calories /41g Carbs /7.8g Fat /22.3g Protein

100g chopped butternut squash - include skin
2 parsnips
2 medium carrots
2 cups vegetable stock
1 inch root ginger grated
Fresh rosemary
Chop root veggies as shown in the photo and bake at 180 for 40 mins or until tender
Place cooked veggies into blender with stock
Blend until smooth with grated ginger
Add more stock until you have your preferred thickness
Season with salt & pepper - I like to add a little cayenne pepper