No cream in this dish (true to Italian recipes) it's the egg and a dash of the water the spaghetti is cooked in that creates the creamy sauce.
It takes a mear 12 minutes to prepare and perfect for busy schedules.
373 calories / 30g Carbs / 14g Fat / 27g Protein

75g Cooked ham trimmings
70g dried spaghetti
1 medium free range egg
1 tablespoon choped fresh basil
1 clove garlic sliced
15g finely grated parmesan cheese
Black pepper
1 tsp olive oil
Cook spaghetti until al dente
While spaghetti is cooking lightly fry ham in olive oil with sliced garlic
Beat the egg and add the grated parmesan into the egg
Drain spaghetti and add to the pan with the ham, pour on egg mix and a half ladle of the pasta water into the frying pan and stir until a nice creamy sauce coats the spaghetti and add the chopped basil.
Serve with a good twist of black pepper